2015 – Dr. Ron Keren

Dr. Keren is an associate professor of Psychiatry at the University of Toronto, Medical Director of the Geriatric Rehabilitation Program at the University Health Network-Toronto Rehabilitation Institute and the head of geriatric psychiatry at the University Health Network.

Dr. Keren has a clinical and research interests in neurocognitive disorders. He is the co-director of the University Health Network Memory Clinic and staff psychiatrist on the Geriatric Psychiatry inpatient unit at the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute where individuals with advanced dementia with behavioural disorders are assessed and treated. He has been the principal investigator for a number of randomized clinical drug trials exploring novel therapeutic approaches for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.

Dr. Keren is the founder and president of the Canadian Colloquium on Dementia, a non-profit corporation that runs a biennial national conference on dementia; The Canadian Conference on Dementia (CCD). The conference promotes knowledge transfer from national and international researchers in the field of dementia to a broad range of frontline clinicians providing care to individuals with dementia and their families.