Upon admission, all Members shall have the right to attend the annual meeting.
Individual classes of Members shall also have the following rights and obligations:
(a) Upon
admission, PIs’
shall have the right:
(i) to vote on changes to the by-laws and Letters Patent of the Consortium;
(ii) to
stand for election to the Council;
(iii) to
vote in elections for the Council;
(iv) to
receive copies of all communications that the Consortium from time to
time prepares for its Members; and
(v) to
vote on matters pertaining to the business of the Consortium.
admission, PIs’
shall be obliged:
(i) to
pay dues as set by the Consortium;
admission, PIs’
shall be invited:
(i) to participate in CSR's CIRCL protocol reviews, after participating as an unpaid observer on one review.
Upon admission, Co-Investigators’
shall have the right:
(i) to
vote on changes to the by-laws and Letters Patent of the Consortium;
(ii) to
stand for election to the Council;
(iii) to
vote in elections for the Council;
(iv) to
receive copies of all communications that the Consortium from time to
time prepares for its Members; and
(v) to
vote on matters pertaining to the business of the Consortium.
admission, Co-Investigators’
shall be obliged:
(i) to
pay dues as set by the Consortium;
admission, Co-Investigators’
shall be invited:
(i) to participate in CSR's CIRCL protocol reviews, after participating as an unpaid observer on one review.
(c) Upon
admission, Associate
shall have the right:
(i) to
receive copies of all communications that the Consortium from time to time prepares for its Members;
(ii) to
elect one representative to the Council;
admission, Associate
shall be obliged:
(i) to
pay dues as set by the Consortium.
admission, Associate
Members shall
be invited:
(i) to participate in CSR's CIRCL reviews of study protocols, after participating as an unpaid observer on one review.
(d) Upon admission, Fellow and subspecialty resident Members shall be invited:
(i) to participate in C5R's CIRCL reviews of study protocols as an unpaid observer, under C5R's central Non-Disclosure agreement with the study sponsor (or CRO).
of membership
A PI, Co-Investigator, or Associate Membership may only be transferred with the approval of the CSR Board of Directors.
A Fellow or subspecialty Resident Membership may not be transferred .